Tuesday, January 26, 2010


constructing the next mattthew pearl from mpv

with the emails, phone calls, being laid off from work, i am managing to breathe just enough to begin creating the next chapter after mpvisions-photography takes a long awaited over due break. 12 years and with the book now in my direct site i am collaborating with some of my friend artists on what could possibly lead to the next area of work i want to stay in. running mpvisions-photography for 12 years has been more than a trip for me and i want to give it an honorable closing. the book will simply do just that and i am making sure to take the right steps. i am already quite pleased how i am reinventing myself and with tough times sitting side by side with me i am making sure i dont slip too far under like i always have. artists love to beat themselves and play around in the void. our split personalities also love to fuck around making us obiviously feel like were ugly all over inside and out, making masterbation seem like a fucking chore to break the air. how exciting is that. what was the phrase in the movie WAITING.... by using ur own tears to masterbate u can feel some kind of a hint of clarity in ur pathetic existance. ouchy.

furthermore on the edge of my chair writing the best to which i stand myself, i am fucking restless, booking very specific shoots for july and some newer side projects. one in particular that falls on feb 6th and then another on the 26th of feb 2010 this year. im curious to see how they play out and it does involve photography. but not what u think perhaps already. there seems to be new twist involved, a reinvention, a new mattthew pearl. i'd love to go on and on about details about the projects i have instore but i'd rather tease u with just two recent and new photographs i worked on with a very good artist and friend. the images are soft, bright and there is depth. i like the feeling i have gotten so far and just today i worked on more with mpvisions model, meggstats. i plan on taking her along with me on this new path and what was photographed today, well it leaves me patience for once. when i get them on CD and on here i believe u will want more of what i am working on. im finally doing ART! a new form of it at least for me. it pleases me and i feel proud of what will evolve. i know for a fact my wife will be part of this work as well. she is what keeps me going, she plays a big role for the simple facts of believing in what i do and that it isn't just for the fame. i am a fucking artist and thats that, just try and stop what i do next. i know i cant i have tried, trust me.

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